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Thursday, 25 February 2010

England is better off alone...

As usual, Dan Hannan has an interesting post today.
As usual, Dan is not following his thoughts through to the logical conclusion, which is that every argument for the UK leaving the EU is valid for England leaving the UK. I really hope one day soon the Eurosceptics in all parties will realise that Unionism (in terms of the UK) is incompatible with Euroscepticism.The only intellectually honest position is to advocate English secession from the UK, which would also acheive secession from the EU at the same time.
Alex Salmond used to have a slogan 'Independence in Europe' which was a way of saying they'd like the whole EU to pay for them rather than just the English.
I have a much more simple slogan for the English independence movement.
It's simply 'Independence.'

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Inversion of democracy

Daniel Hannan has been blogging about the prospect of a hung parliament.
This is something I've discussed in the past too.
It is beginning to irk me that the direct democracy movement - a movement I have a lot of sympathy with, and which Daniel Hannan and Douglas Carswell claim has a lot of traction in the Conservative party, is ignoring the place of England in the direct democracy framework. It is simply an inversion of the principles of localism and direct democracy to ignore the current democratic deficit in England, to talk about taking decisions at the lowest possible level and still have Westminster, in the guise of the British parliament, holding powers over England that have already been devolved to the other nations of the United Kingdom.

Can we get an English Parliament? Yes Witan!

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Labour's campaign poster

Following on my spoof Conservative campaign poster, here is one for Labour.
Create your own at

Can the English get Independence? Yes Witan!

Thursday, 11 February 2010

The EU is the UK, but more so...

There has been lots of comment and speculation about an EU rescue of Greece and in particular whether the UK will or will not (or morally should or should not) contribute.

Whilst there are arguments on all sides (we shouldn't, we're not part of the Euro; we should, we're part of the EU; we won't get a choice, Gordon Brown signed the Lisbon Treaty; how can we afford it, we're broke?), there is another issue I'd like to raise.

England has been bailing out the rest of the UK for centuries. It's now officially enshrined as the Barnett formula. Free prescriptions, tuition and care for the elderly, unheard of in England, are the standard in other parts of the UK.

Eurosceptics often point out that noone under 52 has ever voted on our membership of the EU. I would point out that noone has EVER voted on England's participation in the UK. How about that for a referendum?

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

And another...

I have also found the following site, which has a broad range of views on English issues.


In the interests of balance, I would like to highlight the following campaign on Labourspace which at least shows that some of their activists are not happy at the democratic injustice inflicted on England by their government.
As I've said all along - I want people of all political views interested in this idea. It's the only way it can prosper.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

The referendum we should get, but won't

You've probably seen that Gordon Brown wants a referendum on an alternative voting system for Westminster elections.
It's not for this blog to discuss the merits of the relative voting systems, of the motivation behind Gordon Brown's sudden conversion to the idea of voting reform, of the attractions to the Lib Dems in a hung parliament of such an idea etc.
What I do want to say, however, is that if there is a constitutional reform that the country is crying out for, if there is a democratic deficit that needs addressing, the way we elect MPs to Westminster is not the most pressing. How about the fact that this Prime Minister and his Scottish cohorts vote on issues south of the Firth that they can't vote on in their own constituency? How about the fact that the biggest nation in the United Kingdom is the only one without a national assembly?
The referendum we need is a referendum on English Independence. At the very least a referendum on an English Parliament. Any other reform that is supposed to improve democratic representation is simply a sticking plaster on a gunshot wound.

A question for Gordon...

The excellent Douglas Carswell is asking for suggestions for his question at the next PMQ.

I have suggested he ask about a Parliament for England. Perhaps likeminded supporters could do the same?

Monday, 8 February 2010

2010, the year that could set England free

Writing in the Times, William Rees Mogg predicts a hung parliament. I have mentioned before that the 2010 general election is a unique opportunity for those who wish to see an Independent England, for it promises to remove the democratic legitimacy of the UK government to govern for the whole of the UK.

Most likely in my view is that the Conservatives will win an overall majority, however, they will be 3rd in terms of seats in Scotland and Wales, and this will deny them legitimacy in these countries. In this event, you can be sure the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly will demand and almost certainly be granted, new powers. An alternative (though much less likely) is that Labour win a small overall majority, thanks to their vote in Scotland and Wales holding up better than expected. They would have won much less seats and votes than the Conservatives in England, but will hold power through the seats of MP in other countries. In this scenario, how likely do you think it is England would be granted a parliament? Who will stand up for the people of England?

Finally, there is Lord Rees-Mogg's prediction of a hung parliament. In this event the Conservatives would again be the biggest party in England, and the clear majority and mandate voted for by the people of England would be denied by the votes of the Scots and Welsh. Where is the justice, where is the democracy, in that?

Apologies for the lack of blogging...

Have been quiet of late, owing to a very demanding project at work (not nice) and being engrossed in Wolf Hall (delightful).

The time has not been wasted, however, for Wolf Hall has set me thinking. For those of you who haven't read it (and I recommend you rush out and buy it if you haven't!) don't worry I won't give away the plot. However, I can say it is set at the court of Henry VIII, which was one of the most important times for England, and the seeds of England's eventual harnessing under the UK yoke were all sown at this time. I shall return to this theme shortly, particularly to illustrate how we English often celebrate the wrong heroes.