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Wednesday, 20 January 2010

What's true of the EU, is true of the UK, only more so...

Douglas Carswell, Conservative MP for Harwich and Clacton and one of the most thoughtful politicans of our age, is submitting a Private Members Bill on an 'in or out' referendum regarding the UK's membership of the EU. It is an important bill, that deserves to be widely publicised and I urge you to go to his page and send it on to your friends or on facebook, twitter, blogs etc.
I'm afraid, however, that Douglas isn't really taking things to their logical conclusion. Every argument that can be made against the UK being a member of the EU (loss of sovereignty, financial cost, loss of an independent voice in the world, a lack of democracy) is equally true of England's membership of the UK.
Our sovereignty is destroyed to the point that we dont even qualify as a proper country, we are a net subsidiser of other countries in the UK, our history is airbrushed by the institutions of the state,  and we have absolutely no democracy, not only thanks to the injustice of the West Lothian Question, but also that we are fobbed off with quangos while remaining the only country in the UK or EU without a proper parliament or national assembly.
I am in agreement with the point of view that the UK is better off outside the EU. But following the same logical argument, I assert that England is better off outside the UK


Adrian P said...

What use is an English Parliament when 80% of British laws are made in Brussels.
What exactly will we be allowed a vote on, only what Brussels deems unimportant.
An English parliament is just a smokescreen, a diversion to divide and conqEUr Britain.

Independent England said...

Thanks for your comment.
I have 2 points to make - firstly, that my ultimate aim is an Independent England, outside of the UK and outside of the EU, where the English Parliament would make 100% of English laws.
Secondly, as a stepping stone to that ulitmate aim, I believe an English parliament within the EU will provide greater democratic balance to the people of England, and further the cause of full English independence.